Le championnat du monde de XWing 2015 - Résultats du top 32
Liste des résultats du Championnat du monde:
Voici la liste complète du Top 32 du championnat du monde 2015.
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Top 32 Championnat du monde 2015
2015 X-wing Champion
(1st Swiss, 8-0 (1 mod win), 38, 1167, 3.5) - Paul Heaver
- Poe Dameron + R2‑D2 + Veteran Instincts + Autothrusters
- Gold Squadron Pilot + R3‑A2 + BTL‑A4 Y‑wing + Twin Laser Turret
- Gold Squadron Pilot + Twin Laser Turret
- Bandit Squadron Pilot
(10th Swiss, 6-1-1 (1 draw), 31, 1227, 3.0) - Nathan Eide
- Corran Horn + R2-D2 + Engine Upgrade + Push The Limit + Fire Control Systems;
- Poe Dameron + Veteran Instincts + Autothrusters + R5-P9
- Prototype Pilot + Chardaan Refit
Top 4
#3: (11th Swiss, 6-2, 30, 1181, 3.1) - Phillip Booth
- IG-88A&B + Heavy Laser Cannon + Autothrusters + Glitterstim + Crackshot + Fire Control Systems + IG-2000
#4: (12th Swiss, 6-2, 30, 1167, 2.9) - Jeremy Howard
- Fel + PtL + Royal Guard Title + Stealth + Autothrusters
- Vader + Lone Wolf + title + ATC
- Omicron Group Shuttle + Palpatine + Sensor Jammer
Top 8
#5: (2nd Swiss, 7-1, 35, 1218, 3.7) - Aaron Bonar
- Miranda Doni + Tactician + Twin Laser Turret;
- 2x Warden Squadron Pilot + Tactician + Twin Laser Turret
#6: (3rd - Swiss, 7-1, 35, 1198, 3.2) Francisco Berna Menendez
- Carnor Jax + Stealth Device + Push The Limit + Royal Guard TIE + Autothrusters
- Omicron Group Pilot + Sensor Jammer + Emperor Palpatine
- Darth Vader + Predator + Adv. Targeting Computer + TIE/x1
#7: (8th Swiss, 7-1 (1 mod win), 33, 1152, 2.8) - Przemyslaw Talach
- 4x Thug + TLT + Unhinged
#8: (13th Swiss, 6-2, 30, 1139, 3.4) - Travis Foss
- Dash Rendar + Engine Upgrade + Heavy Laser Cannon + Push The Limit + Kyle Katarn + Outrider
- Corran Horn + R2-D2 + Veteran Instincts + Fire Control Systems
Top 16
#9: (4th Swiss, 7-1, 35, 1143, 3.5) - Kári Kristinsson
- Corran Horn + R2‑D2 + Shield Upgrade + Push The Limit + Fire Control System;
- 2x Gray Squadron Pilot + Twin Laser Turret;
#10: (5th Swiss, 7-1, 35, 1029, 3.2) - Brad Miller
- Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + Gunner + Darth Vader;
- "Whisper" + Veteran Instincts + Fire Control System + Advanced Cloaking Device;
#11: (6th Swiss, 7-1, 33, 1265, 3.2) - Jonathan Reinig
- Miranda + TLT + C-3P0 + Extra Munitions + Advanced SLAM + Seismic + Conner;
- Corran + PtL + R2-D2 + Advanced Sensors + Engine
#12: (7th Swiss, 7-1, 33, 1217, 2.8) - Travis Cooper
- Dash + PtL + HLC + Outrider + Engine + Kyle
- Corran + VI + R2-D2 + FCS
#13: (9th Swiss, 7-1 (1 mod win), 33, 1089, 3.3) - Dallas Parker
- Howlrunner + Hull + Crackshot
- 6x Obsidian
#14: (10th Swiss, 6-2, 30, 1130, 3.0) 14th - Drew Bishop
- "Whisper" + Veteran Instincts + Sensor Jammer + Intelligence Agent + Advanced Cloaking Device;
- "Howlrunner" + Veteran Instincts + Hull Upgrade;
- 3x Academy Pilot
#15: (15th Swiss, 6-2, 30, 1114, 2.8) - Joshua Wicker
- Gray + TLT + BTL-A4 + R3-A2
- 2x Gray + TLT + BTL-A4
- Gold + Autoblaster
#16 (16th Swiss, 6-2, 30, 1108, 3.3)- Martin Hoffman
- Darth Vader + Predator + Engine Upgrade + Adv. Targeting Computer + TIE/x1
- Soontir Fel + Push the Limit + Autothrusters
- Carnor Jax + Push the Limit + Autothrusters
Top 32
#17 (6-2, 30, 1097) - Jaren Foss (awaiting final confirmation for upgrades)
- Soontir Fel + Royal Guard TIE + Push the Limit + Targeting Computer + Autothrusters
- Darth Vader + Veteran Instincts + Engine Upgrade + TIE/x1 + Advanced Targeting Computer
- Omicron Group Pilot + Emperor Palpatine
#18 (6-2, 30, 1093) - Jim Blakley
- Gold Squadron Pilot + BTL-A4 Y-Wing + R3-A2 + Twin Laser Turret
- Gold Squadron Pilot + Bomb Loadout + Twin Laser Turret + Ion Bombs
- 2x Gold Squadron Pilot + BTL-A4 Y-Wing + R2 Astromech + Ion Cannon Turret
#19 (6-2, 30, 1063) - Ronald Brannan
- 4x Blue Squadron Pilot
- Bandit
#20 (6-2, 30, 1062) - Bob Randall
- IG88B&C + VI + HLC + FCS + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters + IG-2000
#21 (6-2, 30, 1034) - Phil W
- Cartel Marauder + Feedback Array
- 3x Syndicate Thug + Twin Laser Turret + R4 Agromech
#22 (6-2, 30, 1023) - Jesper Hills (awaiting final confirmation)
- 48 IG-88B, PTL, AdvS, Auto, Title, Mangler
- 51 IG-88C, PTL, AdvS, Auto, Title, HLC
#23 (6-2, 30, 1019) - John Sargent
- Gold Squadron Pilot + Twin Laser Turret + R3-A2
- Gold Squadron Pilot + Twin Laser Turret
- Blue Squadron Pilot + Tactician
- 2x Bandit Squadron Pilot
#24 (6-2, 30, 1016) - Jean-Luc La Rue
- 4x Thug + TLT + Unhinged Astromech
#25 (6-2, 30, 1009) - Daniel Topczewski
- Dash Rendar + Predator + Mangler Cannon + R2-D2 + Outrider + Hull Upgrade
- Ten Numb + Sensor Jammer + Mangler Cannon + Veteran Instincts + C-3PO
#26 (6-2, 30, 1008) - Timothy Sturm
- Torkil Mux + Ion Cannon Turret + Moldy Crow
- 2x Syndicate Thug + Twin Laser Turret + R4 Agromech
Syndicate Thug + Autoblaster Turret + Unhinged Astromech
#27 (6-2, 30, 996) - Jean-Christophe Hu
- 5x Black Squadron Pilot + Crackshot
- Obsidian Squadron Pilot
- Academy Pilot
#28 (6-2, 30, 926) - Suresh Kumar
- IG88B&C + VI + HLC + FCS + Inertial Dampeners + Autothrusters + IG-2000
#29 (6-2, 30, 909) - Victor Robles
- IG-88B + VI + Mangler + FCS + Feedback Array + Autothrusters + IG-2000
- IG-88C + VI + HLC + FCS + Flechette Cannon + Feedback Array + Autothrusters + IG-2000
#30 (6-2, 30, 897) - Sigurdur Gunnarsson
- Corran Horn + PtL + FCS + R2-D2 + Engine Upgrade
- 2x Gray Squadron Pilot + Twin Laser Turret
#31 (6-2, 30, 867) - Jeff Faulkner
- IG-88B + Lone Wolf + HLC + FCS + Glitterstim + Autothrusters
- 2x Syndicate Thug + Twin Laser Turret
#32 (6-2, 30, 557) - Jeff Paul
- 4x Thug + TLT + Unhinged Astromech
Elimination Pairings
Final Table
- (1) Paul Heaver vs (10) Nathan Eide: Paul Heaver wins 100-26
Top 4 Pairings
- (1) Paul Heaver vs (12) Jeremy Howard: Paul Heaver wins 100-62
- [feature match]: (10) Nathan Eide vs (11) Phillip Booth: Nathan Eide wins 100-63
Top 8 Pairings
- (1) Paul Heaver vs (8) Przemyslaw Talach: Paul Heaver wins 100-62
- [feature match]: (2) Aaron Bonar vs (10) Nathan Eide: Nathan Eide wins 100-0
- (3) Francisco Berna-Menendez vs (11) Phillip Booth: Phillip Booth wins 100-75
- (12) Jeremy Howard vs (13) Travis Foss: Jeremy Howard wins 100-0
Top 16 Pairings
- (1) Paul Heaver vs (16) Martin Hoffman: Paul wins 69 - 12
- (2) Aaron Bonar vs (15) Joshua Wicker: Aaron Bonar wins 100-62
- [feature match]: (3) Francisco Berna-Menendez vs (14) Drew Bishop: Francisco wins ??? - ???
- (4) Karl Kristinsson vs (13) Travis Foss: Travis Foss wins 100-0
- (5) Brad Miller vs (12) Jeremy Howard: Jeremy wins 100-32
- (6) Jonathan Reinig vs (11) Phillip Booth: Phillip Booth wins 100-50
- (7) Travis Cooper vs (10) Nathan Eide: Nathan Eide wins 71-15
- (8) Przemyslaw Talach vs (9) Dallas Parker: Przemyslaw Talach wins 87-75
A découvrir aussi
- Bonne année 2015 et bienvenue sur ce blog!!!
- Spoiler sur la vague 7
- La vague 8 finalement au complet!!!
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